True Meaning of Custom Furniture

Once upon a time, custom furniture was the only option, your chairs, tables, cabinets, and beds, were all handmade by a craftsman, with each piece made individually. With the advent of the factory and production line, most furniture these days is not custom, as pieces and parts are made in bulk for quick, cheap assembly and to service the needs of a mass market.

Custom furniture does not necessarily mean handmade. Rather, it means that instead of being made according to a preset design, it is bespoke and designed specifically according to the clients’ needs and desires. This could mean a design is drawn and then imputed into a machine for production, or as is more often the case, parts are handmade by a craftsman for the ultimate quality workmanship.

But what does it mean to have custom furniture? It means you have something wonderfully unique, a one of a kind piece, that reflects your home perfectly. It often means collaborating with a true craftsman to design and engineer the piece, so you feel involved with the production. It means high quality, a choice of fabrics and finishes and supporting the individual rather than big business. It means having a piece of furniture that will become an heirloom and you would be glad to pass down.

The Main Advantages of Custom Furniture

Higher quality

Quality lumber used to build custom frames at

Quality lumber used to build custom frames at

Unlike mass-manufactured furniture you find in the store, custom furniture has the benefit of being very high quality. The manufacturing process isn’t rushed, and each part is individually checked to ensure the best fit. Often store-bought furniture is made on a cheap frame which isn’t designed to withhold the test of time. Having your furniture custom made ensures a strong frame and high-quality materials, often that you have handpicked yourself.

Bespoke design

One of the best things about having something made custom, is that you can be involved in the design and make sure it is perfect for you. Imagine designing your own bed, picking decorative nail finish, beautiful upholstery, and wood finishes to match your décor, made to fit exactly into space in your room. Perhaps, you want to convert your downstairs basement into a fun bar area, why not design your own plush sectional, tables, and chairs to make it absolutely you? Working with a custom design company, like, to create a truly bespoke design, puts you back in control of your space and brings out your own creative side.

Unique fabrics and finishes

True, you can get a wide range of choice in terms of finishes and fabrics with disposable or factory-made furniture, but nothing beats the sheer range and options available when you use a custom craftsman. You can often request to take swatches home, to ensure you get the perfect material for your room. You can then experiment with different fabric like delightful brocade, a decadent velvet, or a soft as butter leather, to see what fits your space best. It is amazing what a different covering can do to a chair and how that chair can then transform a room.

Make sure your furniture will fit perfectly with

Make sure your furniture will fit perfectly with

Custom Sizing – The Perfect Fit

Have you ever had your prize desk or coach delivered only to find out it just doesn’t fit? Custom furniture has the massive advantage of being able to be designed exactly according to your measurements. This doesn’t just mean that your new Welsh dresser fits into your weirdly shaped Georgian parlor, but also means you can maximize the ergonomics and functionality of your pieces. Working with a custom furniture manufacturer such as means that you can be sure you get the best option to fit your room and your lifestyle.

Cost and Value for Money

Yes, if you go to a global furniture store, you are going to be able to furnish your whole house for a pittance. However, it will definitely lack that certain soul and indeed will end up costing more in the long run. The disposable society we live in today is not most economical. Products from clothes, phones to furniture, are designed to be cheap and not to last. Custom furniture may seem to cost more upfront, but its quality and hardiness mean, that it will save you a fortune in the long run.

Custom is what we do best at

Custom is what we do best at

Seek Out Custom Furniture For A Space That Is Truly Yours…

In today’s throwaway society, there is something truly special about having something that has been built to last. Something you can pass on. Something you designed and created yourself, alongside a true craftsman, with workmanship you know and trust.

Getting custom furniture means you can really anchor yourself to your home and put a part of yourself into it. It means you have furniture that really fits, that is made of the best materials and does more than look pretty.

If you are in Illinois, then you are lucky enough to be in the home state of, a custom manufacturer. However even if you live the other side of the country, you can still order custom furniture online and get access to top craftsman and high-quality workmanship without having to leave your couch.

Take a stand against a transient poor-quality society and visit to see how custom furniture can transform your world.